Lähme Lätti! Erasmus+ noortevahetus noortele vanuses 14-16a.
Osalemiseks ja lisainfo saamiseks kirjuta: madli.uuemae@gmail.com või helista: 56923987 (Madli Uuemäe).
Osavõtt tasuta!
Vaba on veel 2 kohta!
ERASMUS+ Youth exchange project ”Where are digital YOUth?” from 1.-7.august (+2 travel days) in Latvia.
DESCRIPTION: Place&Venue: Mārupe,
Countries: Estonia, Poland,
Rumania, Latvia Participants: 6 participants per team +1 group leader
Focus: “Where are digital YOUth?” is an engaging and interactive youth exchange program designed to address the challenges that young people face in the digital age. This program empowers participants to explore the current digital landscape, develop essential digital skills for speaking to their pears and devise new solutions to overcome digital
challenges faced by their peers. Through activities focused on creating videos, producing podcasts, and utilizing social media for positive change, participants will embark on a journey of personal growth and digital empowerment. Participation is for free (include food, living etc.)